That's hardly a surprise, given that the actor was never really the blockbuster franchise sort. While Beckinsale didn't really address why she's ready to move on from "Underworld" for good - save, of course, for that "I've done plenty of those" dig - it's a reasonably safe bet that she's grown as weary of the franchise's neo-gothic escapades as critics and viewers seem to have.

While addressing rumors she'd once been tapped to portray DC's Wonder Woman for a big-screen adaptation, she noted: "It would have been a terrible movie based on the script that I read." When asked about the possibility of making another "Underworld" movie, she was even more blunt. In a 2018 Variety interview, the actress gave some candid remarks about certain roles she'd passed or, it turns out, had left behind. That sort of performance rarely means great things for a movie series, and to further complicate the "Underworld" producers' potential dreams of Selene's future adventures, it appears that Beckinsale has joined the ranks of people who don't want anything to do with the franchise. The most recent "Underworld" flick, subtitled "Blood Wars," hit theaters in 2016, and, well, let's just say it wasn't particularly well received by either critics (per Rotten Tomatoes) or audiences (via Box Office Mojo). To date, Screen Gems and their partners at Lakeshore Entertainment have produced three sequels and one prequel for their flagship franchise, and Kate Beckinsale has appeared as "Death Dealer" Selene in every single one of them.