Surprisingly LuCI came pre-installed with the bin image. This also meant it had no clue as to DNS, default router, etc. I was able to easily telnet to IP - a fixed address when plugging the router into my test network, not via DHCP. Install was easy from the stock Linksys firmware. Linksys TechData page I found a link to the OpenWrt firmware: and downloaded it (there are other downloads here However the router noted there was apparently slightly different than mine (I have the Cisco logo) so I thought I'd give it a try. Little bleak as the OpenWrt site seemed to indicate there were some issues In particular I was hoping to sniff some ESP8266/ESP32 packets during development. , I was inspired to investigate other "interesting" data to stream from a WiFi hub. If you do not have direct root login access, but you can log in as a different user and su to root, you may run this once you are on root user: echo "#Capture Begin: $(date '+%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S')" & tcpdump dst port 1524 or src port 1524 -s 0 -i eth0 -w "/tmp/cap.$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M%S).cap" -Z linuser & echo "#Capture End: $(date '+%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S')" & ls -ltr /tmp/cap*.After my last post on installing OpenWrt on a Cisco/LinkSys EA3500 to stream RTL-SDR data

this option asks tcpdump to not put interface in promiscuous mode

Setting to 0 is making it use default 65535 You can switch views to see the links on an end-to-end connection with traffic depicted on them. Each node in the network map is an icon that allows access to details of the performance of that piece of equipment.

It is not a good security practice to run tcpdump with a non-root user because it needs to scan the interface. The map tracks both TCP and UDP traffic and can detect both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. It is because running tcpdump requires root access on the server. C:\tools\plink.exe -l root -pw rootpassword -P 22 "tcpdump -w -s0 -pi eth0 dst port 9042" |"C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe" -k -i -īoth tricks above assumes that you have direct root log-in to the server, by RSA key or password.