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This is my attempt at a close-up of the chariot with four horses.Discover the possibilities of PROMT neural machine translation I like how the sun shines through the pillars. They kept trying to talk to me in English, but I was in German mode and kept responding to them in German. There were these two guys posing as an American and German soldier in front of the gate that you could take your picture with.

What Darth Vader was doing there, I’ll never know. When you walk through the gate, you can see carved pictures up high. I’m hoping that wet spot underneath them is just water… There were about 5 horse drawn carriages there. This one horse got cold, so s/he snuggled with his/her partner. The only thing is, will I get another opportunity with such a beautiful sky? I was too chicken to ask anybody to take my picture while there was good lighting. Here I am at the Brandenburger Tor (Brandenburg Gate). Now that you know a little bit about the history of the Brandenburg Gate, now you can look at my pictures! 🙂 Families and friends were reunited, and the Brandenburg Gate became a symbol of unity, which it remains today. There was much celebrating and tons of traffic from East Berlin to West Berlin and vice versa. On the night of the 9th of November, 1989, thousands of East Germans gathered at the Brandenburg Gate tore down the wall. Hey look! My name’s on there! (This picture is taken from West Berlin.) When the Berlin Wall was built on August 13, 1961, people in West Germany gathered on the western side of the gate to protest. It was badly damaged after WW II but thankfully still stood. During World War II the Nazis used it as a party symbol. Prussian monarchs used to parade through the center arch, and Napoleon also marched through the arch in his victory in 1814. When it was originally built in the 1730s under the direction of Friedrich William II, it acted as a symbol of peace. The Brandenburg Gate today is a symbol of German unity, but that was not always so.